Where are my prime photos in amazon drive desktop app
Where are my prime photos in amazon drive desktop app

where are my prime photos in amazon drive desktop app

I will also look into GDPR legislation regarding this issue. So please decide carefully what you want to do. While both of Amazon’s cloud storage solutions - Photos and Drive - occupy the single Amazon Photos pieces of software for the desktop, mobile apps see them split their separate ways.

where are my prime photos in amazon drive desktop app

I would rather spend this time finding other disgruntled customers and starting a class action lawsuit against the enormous uncaring corporation that is amazon to get the photos of our loved ones back that you have stolen from us. Then I will tell you it is physically impossible for me to achieve in this time-bounded universe as I will have to spend weeks working on this. If you tell me I can have a copy but I have to individually select each photo. It turns out that all the photos you see in the beautiful Amazon Photos interface, are stored in folders in Amazon Drive. As for a Prime Photos dedicated desktop app, I dont believe there is one. It also had its own tab in the web browser page of Drive. I want at least one hard copy of all my 100,000 plus photos back. There is an Amazon Drive desktop app which has the Download All feature, but Prime Photos seems to be a separate storage which is not accessed in Drive. I want you to lift restrictions on my property. So you have taken my property hostage and have given me no meaningful access. Google Photos is the home for all your photos and videos, automatically organized and easy to share. I want all my photos back from the Amazon Drive service I pay for but it will take me over one week with no sleep and food to individually select all the photos to download.

Where are my prime photos in amazon drive desktop app